Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life is but a Netflix Queue created by an idiot...

Netflix Suggestions by MacDuff...

Gladiator... The emperor of Rome is a wise and fair ruler, but is assassinated by his son in an attempt to gain power. The son then kicks one of his best generals out of the army due to his friendship with the old Emperor. The general, Maximus, manages to escape his execution, but his family is murdered and he is captured into slavery. Maximus becomes the best gladiator in Rome, and eventually manages to avenge his family and defeat the Roman Emporer in single combat. Recommended by MacDuff because he identifies with the protagonist, fighting against a corrupt ruler who killed the previous ruler, as well as his family.

Braveheart... A Scottish warrior's wife is killed so in retaliation he kills a garrison of English soldiers. The warrior, William Wallace, then wages war against the English and their treacherous King, Edward Longshanks. Eventually William Wallace is betrayed and captured, but be refuses to submit to the English, even after being tortured. William Wallace is executed for his fight against the English, but he inspires his Scottish countrymen to continue the fight for their independence. Recommended by MacDuff because it features a Scottish protagonist who fights for what he believes in. This film gets MacDuff hype before a battle, and inspires him to be a great warrior. It also reminds MacDuff of himself since his wife was also killed by his enemy.

Olympus Has Fallen... The White House is taken over by North Koreans, and the president must be saved. It falls upon a member of the Secret Service to take action and save the president. MacDuff sees himself in the protagonist, Mike Banning, as a man who is not in a position of leadership, but still manages to get things done. MacDuff and Mike are also very good warriors, so he approves of this movie.

The Matrix... In The Matrix, Morpheus must convince Neo that he needs to save the world. Neo is reluctant to accept his role and tries to avoid his responsibilities.  Morpheus must make many sacrifices of himself in order to convince Neo to take on his role of hero. This reminds MacDuff of himself and his relationship with Malcolm. MacDuff connects with the character of Morpheus, and sees Malcolm as the character of Neo. MacDuff had to convince Malcolm that he was worthy of becoming King of Scotland, just as Morpheus had to convince Neo that he was worthy of becoming "The One". Morpheus also suffers directly as a result of his actions to help Neo, just as MacDuff suffered as a result of his aiding Malcolm.


  1. This is one swagged out list. I must say, MacDuff has a great taste for movies. One thing I noticed was that all of the recommendations are very similar in terms of style and plot. They are all action movies involving violence and the rise/fall of power, which reflects the nature of MacDuff's character very nicely. I wish you would go into more detail about why MacDuff likes these movies rather than giving a plot breakdown, but I still found this post very interesting! Nice work.

  2. Your selection of movies would make an excelent queue for anyone, not only Macduff, as these are world class movies. Except for Olympus Has Fallen. Your connetions to Macduff are spot on, in that he would identify with someone fighting against opression and corruption. I like how all of the protagonists that identify with Macduff are fighting for a regiment that has fallen, just as Macduff wants to return the rule of Scotland to someone who is not a lunatic. All in all, these are excelent selections and I might have you pick out some movies for me to watch over Christmas Break. ;P 😍😘👍
